8 Feb 07 finally reached the Springer Mountain Summit – official start of the Appalachian Trail.  Two plaques are there indicating the start. 

8-9 Feb 07 – Springer Mountain Shelter (The AT Hilton) where I spent my first very cold night.  I had to take my down jacket and cover the foot end of my sleeping bag to keep my toes warm.  I was alone that night and slept on the first floor of the shelter.  There was a loft upstairs.   

9 Feb 07 This is a picture of my backpack and food pulled up in the trees by cables to prevent bears and mice from getting at my food.  10 Feb 07 Scenes at the Hawk Mt. Shelter where I spent my second night.  A nice place, but not as plush as the Springer Mt. Shelter.   I am writing in the shelter’s log placed at all AT shelters for hiker entries.  In emergencies, these logs are used to trace location of missing hikers.   
10 Feb 07 pictures taken on the trail to Gooch Mountain Shelter.  This section of the AT including Gooch Mtn Shelter were maintained by Darlene Jamas (sp), friend of June Engel from the Woodie Fite Center. Picture of Stover Creek where I pumped water for the day.  10 Feb 07 picture of “Sky” Jeff, and “Blue” dog who had late afternoon lunch with me at Gooch Shelter before Boy Scouts arrived. 
10 Feb 07 Boy Scout Troup 36 from Dahlonega, GA arriving at the Gooch Shelter after my arrival.  US flag went up immediately and camp fire was started.  They shared roasted sausage, s’mores, and other treats with me.  Probably one of the greatest surprises of my trip thus far. 
11 Feb 07 Two hungry scouts 11 Feb 07 – Pictures of Austin Harrison and me as we hiked from Gooch Gap Shelter toward Woody Gap where we departed
11 Feb 07 – Spent the night at Josh and Leigh Saint’s Hiker Hostel near Dahlonega, GA.  Picture is of Josh making grits, scrambled eggs, and pancakes for us the morning of 12 Feb 07.

12 Feb 07 Trail leading up to Blood Mountain. 

12 Feb 07 Met “Flatfeet” who was preparing for a 3,200 mile hike of the Continental Divide Trail.  He had flat feet, arthritis in his ankles, back and knees but was walking for the “Make a Wish” foundation and said he had to keep moving to keep fit.  12 Feb 07 – My treacherous icy and snow filed approach to Blood Mountain.  Had to reduce speed here to avoid spills with pack on.   12 Feb 07 – The historic 1930s era CCC stone building atop Blood Mountain. 
12 Feb 07 – Notice white AT blazes on boulders on Blood Mountain.  So few trees that markers had to be placed on rocks to guide hikers through the rough terrain 12 Feb 07 – Reading maps on huge boulders near the AT.  The second picture shows a balanced boulder near the place where I did my map reading.
12 Feb 07 – The Walasi-Yi hiker hostel and Mountain Crossing Outfitter Store owned by one of the nicest couples on the trail thus far – Winton and Majorie Porter (and family).  12 Feb 07 – The Porters invited their hostel guests over for dinner – hamburgers, fries, and all the fixings.  Left to right Lucas, Alpine, Otto and the Porter’s two dogs.  It was at this house I was notified of my mother’s fall and emergency surgery.  I stayed over 13 Feb 07 at the Walasi-Yi Hostel to hear outcome of Mom’s surgery 14 Feb 07 – Dave Rambling Rose and I traded pictures at Hogpen Gap.  Coldest time of my trip with wind chills below zero all day.  
14 Feb 07 – Picture of Rambling Rose as we hiked together throughout the day.  14 Feb 07 – Mouldering privies that are all the rage at most AT shelters in GA.  This one at Low Gap Shelter – 14 Feb 07 – Three thru-hikers who shared the Low Gap shelter with us this evening.  They are cooking supper in the dark before turning in – a wee bit cold it was. 
14 Feb 07 – Rambling Dave Rose in his 4 season tent within the Low Gap Shelter.  Dave was able to do this as he had a free standing tent.  Mine required tent pegs and wouldn’t free stand so I just covered my sleeping bag with the tent to keep warm.  Very cold below zero wind chill this night.  We woke up all frosty in the morning 14 Feb 07 – Low Gap shelter as we all prepare to turn in for the night.  16 Feb 07 – My first tent campsite at Addis Gap.  Actually the tent was warmer and more comfortable than the shelters.  I didn’t have to worry about mice and the snoring of others.  I’d lost Dave by this point – thought he was behind me, but he had leapfrogged past me when I was down hill getting water with my fully loaded pack.  Lots of bear scat in the area so I hoisted my pack up into a nearby tree. 

North Carolina and Tennessee

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