It takes a great deal of strength, determination, and encouragement to hike 2,175 miles from Georgia to Maine! So  let's make sure we help Jim along by backing him up  with our inspiration that he will succeed, and what a great incentive he has knowing that we will help him in his objective to help Alley live a long and productive life

If you wish to help support Alley and the Foundation please use the online form: Support for Alley  On the form you will find a section which  will look like the box below. Type: "Walk for Alley" in the "other event"area. The Foundation will be able to give us a report on how well we are doing. Also there is a space for you to send a note of encouragement which will be sent to Jim.


Our support for Alley 4 Apr 07 $960.00
1 May $1,036.00
15 July  $1,546.00

Customers of Moe's Southwest Grill in Douglasville, GA are supporting Jim! click Events
Jim visits with staff of CdLS Foundation, article in Connecticut Newspaper HikerJimCdlsNews
The Water Cooler CdLs news from CdLS and "Castanets" (hikerjim) Water Cooler


Please send your thoughts, words of advice, and anything you might want Jim to know to:


This will be forwarded to him on a regular basis.

Thank You!

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