North Carolina and Tennessee

Step by Step, Jim moves toward the goal

New Found Gap  TN

Spring on the Trail beautiful, but still cold.

Hiker using basket for pack.

The Trail has rugged shelters and colorful names! *

Watch out for bears!

And colorful characters!

Taking a break.

The Trail can be steep

And icy

And treacherous!

Trail through sage area.

Through lichens

Fontana Dam NC hiker: "Crash"

Fontana Dam—At 480 feet, Fontana Dam is the highest dam in the eastern United States.

Getting up there

Hikers at a shelter

Rocky going

The Trail over a grassy area Rocky steps ????

*Chunky Gal Trail: Blue-blazed, 5.5 miles. This little-used trail (scenic when leaves are off)follows the ridge of Chunky Gal Mountain. Trailhead is on US 64 in Glade Gap,at the top of the long climb out of Shooting Creek Valley. The beginning is marked with small signs and blazes but is not easy to locate. The trail ends at the AT 3.0 miles south of Deep Gap.

Southwest Virginia

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