LOG FOR 26 APR notes

I stopped at an internet cafe in Hampton, TN as I cannot get access to the town's library computers (too far away).  So, I have only 30 minutes at $1 per 10 minutes.  Really cuts down on the access time, but I had no choice - I had to try and get access, it has been a while since I had access to see what is going on.  I am eating and drinking well and presently staying at the Kincora Hiker Hostel far up in the mountains.  The hostel has no internet access and is remote - just 0.2 miles from the AT.  I hiked 18 miles to get there the yesterday and hiked another 9 miles to Watauga Lake today.  Some of the most beautiful country I've seen since I've started my hike.  On my way up the mountain road (Kincora is about a half mile up a paved road off the Appalachian Trail), I bemoaned the fact that the first two cars didn't pick me up as I wanted a ride rather than walk back up the mountain.  I started walking up the paved road and passed two men working on a tree cutting crew (they also operated a bulldozer to clear cut a road through the woods).  One of the men (Tim Miller) asked me if I was hiking the AT and I said yes.  Then he asked me if I was hungry or thirsty and I said, "both".  He called me over to his truck, gave me two ice cold Cokes in bottles, then promptly give me a bottle of ice water, a package of wheat crackers with swiss cheese, a box of Zingers, and a sandwich with 5 slices of meat and 2 slices of cheese.  I was amazed and still am.  If I had said, "Shirt and shoes", Tim and his brother Floyd would have given me anything.  I was elated and am still amazed at the generosity of these mountain folk.  I took a picture of Tim and Floyd in front of their dozer/front end loader.  They were as proud as punch when I told them  that their picture would be on the internet (once I send it to you). 

Today was wonderful - multiple water falls, mountain laurel has just started  blooming and allllllllll  the little spring flowers along the way are blooming.  Ramps (garlic/onion flavored leaves and bulb) are out and I'm mixing them with every dish I make each day.  I can t tell you I am finally starting to enjoy the 14-19 mile days.  I've now completed 418 miles and hope to make Damascus, VA in 2 or 3 days. 

Must go, my time is running out.  May God bless you all. 

Your eyes and ears in the mountains (and wishing you were here to see His wonderful creation with me)

UPDATE: 28 Apr.

Am now in Damascus, VA.  Crossed the state line this morning and am now in my 4th state.  I made 41 miles in a day and a half.  I arrived in Damascus around 1:45 PM this afternoon. 

 5 May 2007

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