31 May 2007

Thanks, Jessica, for the message on Alley.  Yes, I think of her often as I hike the trail.  I apologize for not updating all of you on my progress.  Access to good computers hasn't been easy - but what a story I have to tell all of you.  Unfortunately, I am headed out again today, so I will give you a quick update. 


I have just completed the Shenandoah National Park and am in Front Royal, VA.  I completed the 100 mile Shenandoah National Park in 6 days.  At this time, I've hiked 955 miles and hope to be at the unofficial half way point (Harpers Ferry, WV at 1,009 miles) in three days.  I plan to continue North until 7 June, expecting to make it to Waynesboro, PA where I will stop briefly to meet my sister, Judi (flying in from UT) and daughter, Sara (teacher in Washington DC charter school).  We will hike the Appalachian Trails C&O Canal tow paths together and picnic for lunch in this beautiful part of the trail.  We will be staying at the Bavarian Inn that night (8 June) to celebrate Judi's birthday. 

Afterward, I will head back to PA and continue my hike North, hoping to finish my AT hike before mid-September. 


I am averaging 16 miles a day and haven't had much down time other than for foot problems in Pearisburg, VA.  Two days ago, I hiked a 26 mile day so distances are becoming less of a problem in good hiking areas.  Hiking the Shenandoah National Park, Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway have been the highlight of my trek thus far.  I've  seen a number of bear including a mother and three cubs, a bobcat (which trotted ahead of me on the trail for 25 yards), numerous deer, rabbits, skinks/salamanders/lizards, and many snakes (black and copperhead).  I have a picture of a 4 foot black snake that coiled and turned on me when I tried to move it off the hike path with my staff, yesterday.  Lots of butterflies and wonderful array of flowers and fruiting plants.  I hope to update the picture log when I stop to meet my sister and daughter next week. 


Yes, I am well and enjoying the views.  Last week I spent the entire time above the 2,500 foot level as I hiked through the Shenandoah National Park.  Summer is here and the early morning weather is wonderful.  I have to rise at 5 AM and break camp to hike in the early morning cool breezes before the heat of day.  I was usually able to make my 20 miles by 2 PM each day.  My pack is still 50 lbs which I will have to lighten some as summer wears on.  Bugs are starting to be a problem and I am now tenting almost every night to avoid the gnats in the afternoon and evening.  Poison ivy is a major problem and my alergic reaction is constant.  Poison ivy is almost impossible to avoid so I am bumpy and crusty most places on my legs and arms.  Water is becoming a problem as some springs have dried up.  Waterless sections of 10-14 miles are frequent so I am carrying extra water to preclude hydration problems. 


As I said above, I have completed GA, NC, and TN; and will have completed VA, and WV and be in PA by 7 June if weather holds.  I am still in this hike and plan to continue to the end.  I've made a lot of friends and continue to make new ones as I go.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.  I understand Moe's has collected an additional $220 for this "Walk for Alley" and I am reinvigorated by your generosity. 


Thank you Jessica for your message - and thank you all for your support. 



Hiking North and enjoying the views for all of you,

Jim Schiwal "Castanets"




And tomorrow, Harpers Ferry.  I made the 18 miles today from Dick's Dome Shelter.  I got up at 4:45 AM and left camp at 6 so I could push my way through the Roller Coaster* here on Mount Weather between US 50 and VA 7.  The Roller Coaster continues for about 5 miles North of Rt 7 so I will have to deal with that as I make my final 20 mile run to Harpers Ferry, WV.  I am staying at the Bears' Den Hostel this evening just South of Rt 7.  I have to make Harpers Ferry in the early afternoon tomorrow (Saturday, 2 June) as I have dinner plans with long time family friends (Gerald and Ruth Hatcher).  They are hikers and hopefully will give me some good hiking ideas for my planned hike with my sister and daughter. 

Jim "Castanets" *


The “Roller Coaster”Northbounders leaving the Rod Hollow Shelter will enter the “roller coaster,” a 13.5-mile section with ten ascents and descents. Southbounders have just completed their ride. The Virginia corridor is narrow here, leaving Trail crews very little choice other than to route the path up and over each of these viewless and rocky ridges. 


1 July 2007

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