September 11, 2007

Start to FINISH!

To All of You Loyal Walking for Alley Supporters,

I completed the final hike up Mt. Katahdin, Maine, on Tuesday 11 September 2007 at 1 PM.  I cannot tell you how much this means to me and I look forward to showing you my pictures and hike information when I return home.  Wing-Heart, Aussie and I completed our hike through the Maine 100 mile wilderness by hiking 61.4 miles in three days.  We completed the hike by hiking up Mt. Katahdin on 9/11 as our attempt to take back the day from terrorists who destroyed part of our country in 2001.  I thank you for your patience as I prepare with my hike mates to make the drive back home.

Castanets (Jim Schiwal)
CdLS - Walking for Alley

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