July 10, 2007


To all of you who have been asking about my Appalachian Trail hike progress and for you, Alley, I want you to know I am yet closer to our goal in Maine.  I am now hoping that I can complete this AT hike before 15 Sep and plan to take no more time off-trail if my health holds.  New Hampshire and Maine are generally tough states so I am trying to conserve remaining resources for the final push.

Art has kept you updated on most recent pictures, and I am sending others - but here is the good news.  I finished New Jersey this past week and am now half way into the state of NY thanks to three gruelling, rocky hikes of 16, 15 and 22 miles.  I will continue from the Graymoor Franciscan Monastery  near Peekskill, NY tomorrow which is approximately the half-way point in the state.  Graymoor Monastery is across the beautiful Hudson River from the Army's West Point Academy so camping here is great and buggy.

I have been picking blueberries and black rasberries daily until a day or so ago.  I stepped into a blueberry patch about 10 AM as I was working my way towards New Jersey's Mt. Waywayanda near Vernon.  As I stepped into the berry bushes, I noticed some movement around my feet and found that I had a timber rattler trying to move away from my feet before coiling and preparing to strike.  By the time he started his rattles shaking, I must have backed up the 10 or 15 feet back to the trail.  I was shocked and lucky that I didn't fall back or lose my balance while moving backward so fast - my, my - exciting berry picking.  I also had a bear tear away from me a breakneck speed as I approached
Waywayanda Mt.  I later learned that bears are unusually afraid of humans in the area as they are hunted annually.

I will meet with the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome foundation staff, 16 July, in Salisbury, CT.  They wanted to have a picnic and will be coming to the trail from their office in Avon (Hartford), CT on that day to meet Wing-Heart and me.  We are both looking forward to the trail magic on that day.

You will get more pictures on the web site shortly.  I sent them off last week as I was leaving my daughters' Brooklyn, NY apartment where I visited during the 4 July weekend.

Thanks again for your prayers and support.  I am excited about finishing this trip and look forward to seeing all of you once again when I return home at the end of September.

Jim Schiwal "Castanets"

 22 July 2007


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